Valuation of the business and assets may have an important role during different development stages. ABA clients have appealed to the services offered by the valuation department during important moments from granting a bank loan for their development to valuating their business in order to sell it to an international company or for valuating a branch in Romania.
ABA Management is a member of the Romanian Valuators National Association ANEVAR. Our consultants permanently contribute at specialised publishing in the field, and the professional reputation gained made us be repeatedly ask to prejudices valuations for arbitrage situations including for the International Court of Justice of Paris.
The problems our valuation department deal with start from revaluations of tangible assets and go to problems such as expropriation valuations, goodwill and prejudice valuations.
Mainly the products offered by the valuation department can be grouped into:
Tangible assets valuations;
Business valuations;
Brand valuations and intangible valuations;
Damage and material and moral prejudice valuations
Contact persons for valuation field: