

Ion Peres, Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Irimie Emil Popa, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
Financial control”, Mirton Publishing, 2008

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alina Carmen Almasan, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
The expert accountant: a profession with questions and answers. Accounting”,
Mirton Publishing, 2008

Horia Cristea, Ovidiu Bunget, Alin Dumitrescu
Test for verifying the level of knowledge in the field of accounting and financial”,
Mirton Publishing, 2005

Horia Cristea, Ovidiu Bunget, Adrian Muntean, Nicoleta Farcane, Leonora Caciuc
A guide for understanding and applying IAS 37 Provisions, debts and active contingents”,
CECCAR Publishing, 2004

Horia Cristea, Ovidiu Megan, Ovidiu Bunget, Leonora Caciuc, Nicoleta Farcane
A guide for understanding and applying IAS 35 Activities in course of interruption”,
CECCAR Publishing, 2004

Horia Cristea, Ovidiu Bunget, Leonora Caciuc, Alin Dumitrescu, Nicoleta Farcane, Ovidiu Megan,
Adrian Muntean
A guide for understanding and applying IAS 23 Costs of debt”,
CECCAR Publishing, 2004

Horia Cristea, Leonora Caciuc, Ovidiu Bunget, Boby Costi, Nicoleta Farcane, Dorel Mates, Ovidiu Megan
A guide for understanding and applying IAS 2 Stocks”,
CECCAR Publishing, 2004

Horia Cristea, Nicoleta Farcane, Ovidiu Bunget, Leonora Caciuc, Ovidiu Megan, Adrian Muntean
A guide for understanding and applying IAS 11 Construction contracts”,
CECCAR Publishing, 2004




Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Lavinia Tec
Considerations upon the sale of goods brought by title of payment at the social capital of the societies with a limited responsibility and the societies build on shares (I)”, Magazine “Contabilitatea”, Expertise and the Auditing of a Business – a magazine edited and directed by Corp of Accountant Experts and Authorized Accountants form Romania, nr. 6/2008

Radu Bufan, Ovidiu Constantin Bunget
Putting a tax on the reserves build by the commercial societies”, Revista Romana de Fiscalitate, a magazine directed by the Group of Editing and Consultancy in Business Rentropd & Traton, nr. 3/2008

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Emilia Iordache
The main completing actions for the modifications brought to MOFP 1752/2005 for approving the accounting regulations according to European directives”, Revista Romana de Fiscalitate, a magazine hold by the Group of Editing and Consultancy in Business Rentropd & Traton, nr. 1/2008

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
Fiscal aspects and accounting aspects regarding the share of the wage bearers to profit”, Revista Romana de Fiscalitate, a magazine hold by the Group of Editing and Consultancy in Business Rentropd & Traton, nr. 10/2007

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
About romanian statutory auditing regulations”, from the volume “Caiete de drept international“, the year VI 2008, a special number dedicated to works of the International Scientific Confrere “Economia Romaniei post-aderare”, “2 ani in Uniunea Europeana”, Resita-Crivaia 21-22 nobember 2008

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
Accounting treatment of defferred income taxes according to the requirements of the romanian accounting regulation”, volumul „The Annals of the University of Oradea”, Section Economic Sciences Tom XVII, 2008

Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin Constantin Dumitrescu
Prudence principle and accurancy of financial information”, volumul Simpozionului Stiintific International „Management of Durable Rural Development”, seria I, vol X (3), Editura Agroprint, 2008